308 Rounds, 12 Gauge Rounds, Flamer Fuel, Bobby Pins, Super Stimpak (x2), Carton of Cigarettes (x2), Pack of Cigarettes (x3), Bottle Caps, Stealth Boy (x2), Microfusion Cells, Purified Water, Steady, Mentats, Thrust Control Modules, Isotope-239 Igniting Agent.Įarning this side quest will require you to speak with Manny, who is the "daytime sniper" up in the dinosaur statue's mouth in the town of Novac. 44 Magnum Rounds, 9mm Rounds, Cowboy Repeater. Jet (x4), Med-X (x5), Doctor's Bag (x3), Stimpak (x10), 5mm Rounds, Frag Grenades (x3), Energy Cells, 5.56mm Rounds. (15) Talk to Chris Haversam to begin preperations for the rocket launch. (14) Return to the Rocket Facility and give the fuel to Chris Haversam. (13) Return to the Rocket Facility and give the parts to Chris Haversam. (11) Find parts to fix the rockets' thrust controllers. (10) Speak to Chris Haversam about fixing the rockets. (9) Head to the REPCONN basement and talk to Jason Bright about what comes next. (8) Report to Jason Bright that the Nightkin are gone. (7) (Optional) Return to Davison with news that the Stealth Boys are not in the REPCONN facility. (6) Get rid of the Nightkin in the basement.

(5) Speak with Jason Bright, the leader of the REPCONN ghouls. (4) (Optional) Search the nearby room for the Stealth Boy shipment the Nightkin are looking for. (3) Head upstairs to meet with the owner of the voice from the intercom. (2) Enter the facility and discover the source of the ghouls. (1) Head to the REPCONN facility west of Novac to investigate rumors of ghoul activity there.